Working with Divorce Lawyers in Putnam, CT: 2 Important Client Tips

by | Jan 11, 2020 | Lawyers

Facing a divorce is not something that you should do on your own. Seeking help from one of the local divorce lawyers in Putnam, CT, is the only way to proceed. After you begin meeting with the legal counsel, make sure that you communicate as effectively as possible. In particular, those communications should include the following.

Your Lawyer Has Probably Heard It Before

Complete disclosure is the only way to go with divorce lawyers in Putnam, CT. Some clients may feel the desire to filter what they tell their lawyers, especially if there are events or actions that the client is somewhat embarrassed to admit. That’s a fatal error in terms of providing the lawyer with what’s needed to prepare the case. Should the opposing counsel bring up some unmentioned event, your lawyer may or may not be able to minimize the impact.

Forget about being embarrassed. Most divorce lawyers have heard all sorts of things from clients over the years. The lawyer is not there to judge what took place, but to provide you with support as you seek to get through the divorce and make plans for the future.

If You Think It’s Not Important Think Again

Perhaps there’s nothing that you want to withhold from your lawyer. Maybe it’s more of a matter of thinking some minor detail is not worth mentioning. Rather than making decisions about what the lawyer does and does not need to hear, go ahead and tell all. If it really is not relevant, the lawyer will not include it in the proceedings. If some detail that you think means nothing turns out to be important, sharing that information with your legal counsel could make all the difference in the outcome.

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