One of the reasons wings in Cary, NC are a popular item because they trigger memories of special times while watching sports. Sports fans naturally migrate to both the chicken wing and pizza as treats because these items have often been eaten when championship games were won and fantastic plays were made.
You naturally think of certain foods when watching sports and the chicken wing is simply one food that you might eat when involved in this activity. Whether you are at a sports field or at home in front of the LCD TV, you simply cannot watch the game without certain snacks.
A Super Bowl Snack Food
In fact, according to one report that was issued by the National Chicken Council, people usually chow down on about 1.2 million chicken wings during a sports weekend. Those kinds of statistics prove the wing is indeed a powerful food. The chicken wing is one of the featured foods at Super Bowl parties too – a de rigueur snack during a big game. It is also included on the menu in pizza establishments and sports bars.
In the days that lead up to the Super Bowl, Americans usually head out en masse to buy millions of meals that include chicken wings. This fact was noted in the Salt blog, which is written by the NPR. That seasonal boost will not wane anytime soon either. According to the chief economist at the National Chicken Council, the popularity of the chicken wing has been growing each year.
A Sports Bar Favorite
Pairing meaty sports stars with meaty snacks began when sports bars were in their infancy. Watching a sportscast requires a cheap snack that is convenient to obtain and affordable. Therefore, the chicken wing became the preferred snack food at the sports bar – preferred over such snacks as ribs or pizza, which are more difficult to eat over an extended period of time.
Indeed, chicken wing consumption is absolutely phenomenal. If you lay the food, end-to-end from Candlestick Park in the city of San Francisco to Baltimore’s M&T Bank Stadium, the distance would only be only 1/27th of the amount of the chicken wings that are consumed over a weekend. This fact in itself gives pause for thought.
So, next time you have a hankering for chicken – wings to be specific – you know that you enjoy this snack food just as much as other Americans do. Seemingly, this kind of food has made its mark in the sports bar as much as it has taken its place on the coffee table in front of the big screen TV.
Chicken wings can be barbecued or simply fried and are often eaten with one of a variety of dips. Some lovers to wings like to combine them with pizza – two sports foods that make cheering your team to victory all the more rewarding and tasty. For more information visit Johnnys Pizza.