Why Your Dog or Cat Needs Veterinary Preventive Care in Bridgeport

by | Mar 16, 2021 | Pets

If you’re like most pet owners, your dog or cat is a beloved member of your family. While veterinary preventive care in Bridgeport is a relatively new type of service, it’s essential to ensuring the longevity and quality of life for your pet. Here are a few things this type of veterinary care will do to benefit your dog or cat.

Meet Your Pet’s Health Needs
When there isn’t a preventative care plan in place, pet owners see their vets only once or twice a year. This can lead to too much guesswork in caring for your dog or cat. A preventative plan will provide you with the ongoing health status reports that you’ll need to take better care of your pet.

Identify Health Problems Sooner
Since vet visits are usually rare, your dog or cat can develop a significant health problem without your knowledge. In addition to resulting in significant costs for your pet’s care, this can also result in a condition that’s too far advanced to be treated properly. When your veterinarian can diagnose a health problem early, the treatment will usually be cheaper and more effective.

Your Pet Will Feel Better
The visit to the vet on a more frequent basis will get him used to the examinations, making it a less anxious experience for the pet. Additionally, your vet can help you address emotional health or behavioral problems. In this way, veterinary preventive care in Bridgeport can help you resolve issues that may be affecting your pet’s overall mood. In turn, this will help you get along better with your pet.

When you’re ready to start a preventative care program with your cat or dog, contact Urban PetRx by visiting their website.

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