Acupuncture helps relieve pain and treat different health complications. However, how acupuncture works isn’t clear yet. Some people claim that acupuncture in Chicago causes a neurological effect.
You should know that acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into the body at different depths and locations. The main aim is to balance the life force, commonly referred to as Qi.
The Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a form of therapy that can assist people who want to manage different health conditions. Some of the benefits of acupuncture include:
Acupuncture can help in managing migraines, chronic pain, and headaches.
Acupuncture can be combined with other forms of treatment.
Acupuncture is a flexible treatment technique that targets various health concerns at a go.
The side effects of acupuncture are minimal.
If you’re considering acupuncture, you should not use it as a replacement for the normal medical treatment techniques.
The Uses of Acupuncture
Acupuncture can help in the treatment of the following conditions:
Neck pain
Low back pain
Knee pain
What You Should Expect from Acupuncture
When you visit an acupuncturist, they will first examine and assess your health status. During the assessment, the acupuncturist will insert one or more sterile needles, and they will offer some advice. You will lie down during the entire procedure and may experience a tingling sensation when the needles are inserted. The needles are supposed to stay in place for at least 20 to 60 minutes. Nonetheless, the duration usually varies depending on the procedure. Also, the duration you need acupuncture varies, and the acupuncturist will advise you accordingly.
If you’re in need of acupuncture as a treatment option, Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers is at your service, visit their website for more info.