Lawn aeration is a gardening technique that involves removing small plugs of soil from the lawn. The process helps to improve drainage and air circulation, promoting healthy grass growth. Lawn aeration can also remove compacted soil or increase the spread of grass roots. Lawn aeration in Flower Mound, TX, can help with these issues.
Severe Soil Compaction
If you’re wondering why lawn aeration is essential, soil compaction is a common issue and can have severe consequences for your lawn. Soil compaction occurs when the soil becomes too dense, making it challenging for grass roots to grow. Proper lawn care prevents these problems.
Poor-Performing Grass Roots
To have a healthy lawn, it must have well-performing roots. Grass roots are the foundation of your grass and should be at least one inch deep. If you’ve had problems with your lawn in the past and suspect that poor root health is to blame, aerating can help you get back on track.
Poor Water Absorption
Not absorbing water is a big problem for your lawn’s health. It means you’ll need to water the lawn more often and for more extended periods, which can cause other issues, such as mold or fungus. Lawn aeration in Flower Mound, TX, will provide better drainage and pore space in the soil so that the roots can absorb water instead of running off too quickly.
If you need help with lawn aeration in Flower Mound, TX, visit Sgt Green Grass to schedule lawn care.