If you are a consumer who has thought about bankruptcy, it is likely that you have done some research on the subject. Many people come across books and tutorials that claim to guide you through the bankruptcy process with ease. Unfortunately, these types of guides can be misleading about what it takes to make it through the bankruptcy process successfully. For that reason, it’s always a good idea to consult an attorney before you start the bankruptcy process. If you’ve considered going it alone when filing a bankruptcy petition, here’s why you may want to reconsider your strategy and hire a lawyer instead:
Avoid Wasting Your Time
You are most likely aware that there are a few different types of petitions you can file. While you may have an idea in your head about which type you’d like to file for, you need to realize that you have to pass different qualification tests for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Attorneys in Chandler, AZ will evaluate your income and assets in order to determine which petition you qualify to file so that you don’t waste your time filing a petition that won’t be approved.
Getting Your Financial Affairs in Order
When it comes to bankruptcy, you may have a few unique opportunities that will help you get a fresh start with your financial life. If you’ve got more than one mortgage on your home, it’s possible that you may qualify to have those additional mortgages stripped away. In some cases, you may be able to cram down one or more tax liens. Not only will Attorneys Chandler AZ make sure that you are aware of these types of opportunities, but they’ll help guide you through the process of taking advantage of them so that you can ensure it’s being done right.
Filing for bankruptcy may be an overwhelming thought for you, but the process doesn’t have to be as tedious as you may expect it to be. When you have the right attorney on your side, your journey to financial freedom can be marked with much less frustration. If you’ve found yourself in a financial hole that you have no idea how to get out of, get in contact with Attorney Asheton B Call. Browse the site to learn more about how hiring an attorney to help with your bankruptcy case can help you have more peace of mind about both the process and the outcome.