Why Contract Preventative Pest Control in Puyallup, WA?

by | Feb 16, 2017 | Law Services

Insects and other pests can wreak havoc on a home more quickly than many homeowners think. A few mice can turn into a full-blown infestation, and destructive insects such as termites often aren’t even noticed until they have already done substantial damage around the house. The solution? Hiring a company that specializes in Pest Control in Puyallup Wa to perform periodic evaluations and take preventative measures before an infestation of any sort is allowed to occur.

Many homeowners don’t think to contact an exterminator until their homes are already overrun. At this point it is usually clear that prevention is the best medicine. Those who have never seen a single mouse or ant inside the home should not wait until they do to schedule an evaluation. Some exterminators offer quarterly, or even bi-monthly, inspections and other services. Most professionals recommend having an inspection performed once per season, but homes that have recently been battling existing pests may need to be evaluated more frequently to ensure that the problem has been resolved.

A preventative program should include exterior treatments during the spring through fall months, and interior treatments in the winter. This is because many pests are more than happy to live outside during the warm months when food is plentiful. It is often only in the winter that they seek the comfort and convenience of taking up residence in human homes. Some of the most common areas to experience infestations are attics, crawl spaces, and basements, so be sure that any exterminator applying preventative products focuses on those areas.

When it comes to rodent control, some specialists in Pest Control in Puyallup Wa will take preventative measures such as reducing outdoor populations to help prevent an infestation indoors. This will likely involve the placement of bait stations that must be serviced at least quarterly to remove captured pests. Reducing the population around the home can help to make any structures on the property seem less inviting, driving away future invaders as well as removing current problem populations. If the home has already experienced a rodent infestation, steps may also need to be taken toward preventing re-entry. Find out more online, or contact an exterminator with any questions.

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