Why Buying Generic Pet Products Is Just as Good as Buying Name Brand
Many pet owners are under the false impression that they have to buy name-brand products for their pets because they are the only ones that are of high quality. However, this is simply not the case. In most products, the generic, or private label pet products, version is just as good as the national brand.
Safety Is Assured
When generic products are introduced to the market, they have still held to the same stringent guidelines that national brands are. This is the case for not only food and supplements but for toys and accessories as well. There are no worries that need to be had for the safety of the products that you are giving to your pet.
More Affordable
Obviously, one of the big draws for pet owners to be drawn to the generic version of their favorite product is the fact that they are always more affordable than the national brand. The main reason for this is that you are not paying for expensive advertisements that name brands are always developing nor are you paying for a “logo.” With private labels, you simply get the same product without all of the hype.
Wide Variety
It used to be that there was only a small selection of products available under a private label. However, with the explosion of popularity in the generics market, there is a private label pet products version for every name brand version.
If you are interested in selling private label pet products under your own brand, it can reap great rewards for your company.