When To Visit An Emergency Cat Clinic In Lenexa KS

by | Aug 1, 2018 | Veterinarian

Though most cats retain a good portion of their wild instincts, they are considered domesticated creatures and have developed into loving family members. The life expectancy of a cat will vary, but most will live well into their later teen years without experiencing any serious health issues. When problems do develop, diagnosing them is often a challenge, as the signs and symptoms that are usually noticed may be confusing, but the following should be examined by an emergency Cat Clinic in Lenexa KS.

Loss of Appetite

A cat should have a diet that is a combination of wet and dry food, and some owners even give their furry loved ones a variety of delicious treats as a reward. If a cat is no longer showing an interest in their food, it may be a sign of an underlying health problem. A veterinarian will run a complete diagnostic exam, consisting of a urinalysis and blood panel, which will determine if there are any issues related to their internal organs.


Discharging a hairball via vomiting is a natural response that helps prevent an intestinal blockage. If a pet owner notices that their pet is vomiting on a regular basis, and is not able to keep food in their digestive tract, they should be taken to a Cat Clinic in Lenexa KS as soon as possible. A cat runs a high risk of undernourishment and dehydration, and early intervention is key to a positive outcome.

Neurological Symptoms

A cat should remain alert and aware of their surroundings and interact with their owner and any other animals that may be present. If a cat becomes withdrawn, displays coordination problems, or is not acting normal, it may be due to neurological issues. Determining the cause is critical, as it could be related to a parasitic infection or be an early indicator that cancer is present.

When a furry loved one isn’t themselves, be sure to take them to a veterinarian right away. The team at Falcon Valley Animal Hospital provides routine and emergency services and will help a pet recover from a wide range of ailments. Visit Website to learn more or call today to schedule a new patient exam. You can also visit them on Facebook.

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