When to Take Children to See a Family Doctor in Starkville, MS for Immunizations

by | Feb 12, 2014 | Child Health

It is important for all children to be immunized against various diseases regularly throughout their childhoods, beginning at birth. It is recommended that the first immunizations take place right at birth, and be done regularly until a child is two years old. After this, they should have regular booster shots, even into their teen years and adulthood. Immunization protects children from diseases that can be devastating. These diseases are preventable, and there is no reason for any child not to receive the proper immunization from their pediatrician. Some immunizations need to be given at very early ages, to prevent many childhood diseases, including measles and chicken pox.

There are often outbreaks of diseases which are preventable with vaccines. These diseases can make children severely ill, and in some cases, can be fatal. These outbreaks do not happen because vaccines don’t work. They happen because children haven’t been vaccinated. They can have their immunizations when they visit their family doctor in Starkville, MS and avoid these diseases, and enjoy healthy childhoods. It is important that parents don’t wait until their children are in school to have them vaccinated against these diseases. At that point, it could be too late.

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) states that there are many areas of the United States where children are not being vaccinated. In fact, a 2010 National Immunization Survey states that by the age of three years, only 70% of children had been fully immunized, and in some areas, this number was as low as 57%. There were 28 states that had immunization rates lower than the national average. With the availability of vaccines and health care for children, these numbers should be much higher.

When parents take their children to the family doctor in Starkville, MS, they can make sure that their children have all of the necessary immunizations. This is covered by insurance policies, and there are also government programs in place to ensure that children are immunized. Complete health care for infants and those up to 21 years of age is offered at the Children’s Health Center of Columbus, Inc., including immunizations.

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