When to Call an Air Conditioning Repair Specialist

by | Jul 14, 2015 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Knowing the difference between a problem you can fix and a problem that requires a professional can result in saving you hundreds of dollars. An air conditioning repair specialist is probably not going to come to your house for free even if the problem does not require a professional. Getting a technician out to your house is always going to cost you, even if you could have done the work yourself. So there are some things you should be aware of before you call a professional.

Air Conditioner Runs Constantly

This is a problem that can cost you hundreds of dollars each month as well as being very annoying. The sound of the air conditioner running is very disruptive if it never turns off. Also, it is much harder to control the climate in your house when the air conditioner does not stop running. The house will likely be colder than you want it to be. Also, the electricity required to run the air conditioner constantly is going to add up until it costs you a lot of money. This problem could be the result of many different things.

The first thing you should do is check to see where the thermostat is set. If it is set at a very low temperature, such as something in the 50s, your air conditioner will run constantly trying to get your house into the 50s. If this is the case, then you should obviously turn the thermostat up to something more reasonable. If that is not the case, you should check to see if the unit is set to automatic or on. If it is set to automatic, your air conditioner will operate until your house gets to the temperature you have set then it will turn off to maintain that temperature. If it is simply set to “on,” then it will run without stopping. Obviously, you should change this. If that is not the case, then you might be in need of air conditioning repair.

Air Conditioner Starts and Stops Often

If your air conditioner is running intermittently all day, then you might have a problem. However, you might not have anything that cannot be easily solved. Your air conditioner turning on and off frequently is going to be annoying as well as expensive. If it is starting and stopping frequently, it is probably running more than it needs to be which means you are paying more in electricity bills than you should be.

The first thing you should check is the air filter in your air conditioner. If the air conditioner is clogged and dirty, it could be inhibiting the air flow which will make it harder for your unit to operate efficiently. Eck Heating & Cooling, Inc. can diagnose and address any number of air conditioning system issues. To know more about their air conditioning repair service, visit them on Facebook.

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