When Might You Need Help From a Personal Injury Attorney in Baltimore?

by | Aug 26, 2014 | Lawyers

Many people know you can work with a Personal Injury Attorney in Baltimore if you’ve been involved in a slip and fall accident, or other similar accidents, and the insurance company refuses to pay you a settlement. However, you may not realize that there are many more times you may want to hire a personal injury attorney for help. Some of the times you can expect help from a personal injury attorney include:

Vehicle Accidents

Car accidents are one of the most common types of personal injury claims. If you were hit by a car while driving, walking or riding a bicycle, it’s important that you speak with an attorney to find out what your options are.

Medical Malpractice

Doctors and physicians are required to uphold a basic standard of care. When they do not uphold the standard of care, injuries can result. These are medical malpractice claims, and a lawyer can help you find out if your injuries are a result of this.

Homeowner’s Insurance Claims

If you are at another person’s home and you are injured, you may be entitled to compensation. This is usually done through a claim with the homeowner’s insurance company, instead of through the homeowner themselves. It’s advised you have an attorney to help you with any settlements from the homeowner’s insurance company.

Accidents Where You Are Offered a Settlement

Even if the insurance company for the person or business who caused your accident is willing to offer you a settlement, it may not be enough to cover all of the financial aspects of your injuries. In these cases, you’re going to want to work with an attorney to ensure you receive the correct amount of compensation.

If you’re not sure if your case qualifies as a personal injury case, or if you are entitled to compensation, it’s always recommended that you speak with a Personal Injury Attorney in Baltimore. A consultation with one of these attorneys is free, and they can go over any evidence you have for your case to see if you are entitled to compensation. If you are, they can work hard to get you the compensation you need.

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