What to Look for When Choosing a Pediatric Dentist in Rockville, Maryland

by | Jun 5, 2017 | Dentist

Every child ought to visit a dentist before their first birthday. This visit not only helps to make the child feel comfortable with this type of professional but also gives a parent the opportunity to ask any questions they have about their child’s oral health. Following are some tips to use when choosing a Pediatric Dentist in Rockville MD to ensure this visit goes smoothly from start to finish.

First, make certain the dentist specializes in pediatrics. To become a pediatric dentist, he or she must undergo two additional years of training as a resident working with children of all ages and those with special needs. He or she has in-depth knowledge of the development of the teeth and gums and can detect problems early so they can be treated.

Determine what services are offered. For example, a pediatric dentist should examine the child’s mouth and do a risk assessment even for children who only have one or two teeth. Furthermore, the dentist needs to take into account any dental habits the child may have. Some children make use of a pacifier, yet others suck their thumb. Both habits can affect their teeth and gums as they grow, so an inquiry into these habits must be part of every visit to the dentist.

The dentist should make recommendations regarding dental care, such as offering sealants or fluoride treatments, during regular cleanings. Restorative work may be needed, and the dentist will make this as painless and stress-free as he or she can for the child. Furthermore, if the child may need braces to correct their bite or straighten their teeth, the dentist ought to recommend a visit to an orthodontist.

In the event the child has problems with their oral health, such as gingivitis or ulcers, the dentist should manage and treat these issues. Children may likewise knock out or damage a tooth while engaging in normal activities. Ensure the dental practice can handle situations such as these.

Parents looking for a Pediatric Dentist in Rockville MD should contact Aspen Hill Implant & Family Dentistry PC. This practice offers a wide range of services to meet the needs of all family members. Parents who choose to work with this dental team will find their child is in good hands.

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