What To Know Before Visiting A Chiropractor In Binghamton NY

by | Jul 1, 2015 | Health

For those who have never visited a chiropractor before in Binghamton NY, you may be wondering what will happen or what you’ll need to do for that first visit. It can be worrisome and even cause you to put off necessary treatment, which is never a good idea. Instead, learning about the visit beforehand can help you feel more comfortable and at ease.

Initial Consultation

During your initial meeting, you’ll talk about your medical history, previous problems and current problems. You’ll have a full exam that includes orthopedic, chiropractic and neurological tests. Once the testing is complete, you’ll find out if they can help and what treatments they plan on pursuing to help you feel better.


Subluxation may sound scary or problematic, but it only means that one of the spine joints aren’t working properly, which is causing nervous system interference. Your nervous system controls all the cells, organs and tissues, so it is important that everything be in good working order. Chiropractors are excellent at handling subluxations.


If you have a subluxation that needs to be corrected, your Binghamton NY chiropractor will do an adjustment on the spine. This includes applying particular force to the spine, which will remove the interference to the nerves and restore spinal function. This may occur on the first visit or may be the second visit, depending on the examination.


X-rays are typically needed for the initial exam to determine your problems. However, in very easy cases, an x-ray may not be required, and treatment can begin immediately. You may also choose to request an x-ray to ensure that the diagnosis is valid, which can help determine the severity and other treatment options.

Length of Treatment

Your treatment plan will be different and is dependent on you and your needs. Many people only have light pain, which takes one or two visits, though you may need many months of treatment to correct the problem and keep it from returning. In some cases, it can take years to completely cure a problem.

Lifestyle Changes

Many people find that simple lifestyle changes, such as a better diet or more exercise can help tremendously with their back or other problems. Chiropractors can offer advice on certain changes you can make so that you benefit more from treatment and in some cases, the treatment will include lifestyle changes.

A chiropractor in Binghamton NY can help you feel better by providing physical relief of your pain. Visit Owego Chiropractic P.C. to learn more or to contact them.

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