What to Expect from Cases Involving Child Support and Custody in Gilbert, AZ

by | Feb 19, 2016 | Lawyers

Raising a child can be a remarkably expensive task for anyone; and this can be especially true for a single parent. Not surprisingly, child support is often a point of strong contention between former spouses or partners. Child support mandated by the courts must be paid, and if the other parent is reneging on his or her financial obligations to the child, it is important to understand the legal options available to seek justice. Fortunately, there is a law firm that specializes in helping clients with cases involving child support and custody in Gilbert, AZ.

In order to pursue back child support, it will be necessary to show to the courts that payments were never made. This can be done by presenting the judge with copies of bank statements, as well as observing that no payments have been entered into the court’s records. While people may not like the idea of turning over their bank statements to the courts, this may be necessary to prove payments were not received by the other party.

Luckily, an experienced attorney will know exactly what the courts are looking for during this process, which can help to expedite the process while also giving a higher chance of successfully seeking damages. If the other parent refuses the court order to pay their share of child support, the judge may impose penalties that can range from expensive fines, garnished wages, and even jail time.

When a person is facing a battle over his or her former partner due to back child support payments, it is important to understand the process of resolving this matter. By appreciating the need to prove the financial support was never received, as well as the benefits of working with an experienced attorney throughout this process, people can make sure they are as prepared as possible to pursue justice. Fortunately, those needing an attorney that specializes in cases of child support and custody in Gilbert, AZ, are served by the law firm of Janet R. Feeley, L.L.C. More information about the services offered by this law firm can be found at feeleyfamilylaw.com.

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