Any injury regardless of whether it results in physical or emotional trauma and was caused by another person’s negligence demands compensation. The accident does not have to have been caused by a person, a company and even the government can be found guilty of negligence as well.
Tort law is that which applies to civil wrongs such as those that are done to one person or his property by others. The wrongs do not have to result in physical injury; wrongs also apply when a person’s reputation has been besmirched or his rights infringed. A Chicago accident lawyer is the legal professional you would turn to. The accidents include but are not limited to vehicles, work-related, product defects, dog bites and medical malpractice; literally any negligent action by others that resulted in injury to yourself.
An accident lawyer works with the plaintiff in a tort case. If the individual feels as if he has a valid case a lawyer will be contacted. If the lawyer, after reviewing the facts available at the moment also is of the opinion there is a valid case he will accept the client and begin to build the case against the named defendant. In the majority of cases the defendant is insured so the lawyer will deal directly with the insurance company or their lawyers.
The insurance company will invariably make an offer to settle, this offer is always far less than the amount that is necessary to compensate the victim for their physical injuries as well as mental anguish and pain and suffering. The insurance company will agree to cover medical expenses and damage to property but they often tie this offer to a closing date on any claims. As an injury often has long term effects and as it was caused by negligence, the injured party has every right to expect long-term compensation.
A Chicago accident lawyer will try to settle the case out of court but should the defense or the insurance companies resist an equitable settlement the lawyer will not hesitate to take the case to a judge and jury. Insurance companies will usually take an out of court settlement if your accident lawyer has a reputation for fiercely fighting for the rights of his client. In many instances, once the case gets to court the award given to the plaintiff is considerably higher as the jury is made privy to the circumstances of the accident and the immediate after-effects.
If you need a Chicago accident lawyer you are invited to contact the Shea Law Group. The lawyers have successfully pled cases for their clients who have suffered accidents resulting from a host of different circumstances.