What Should You Know About Carpenter Bees in Middletown NJ?

by | Nov 24, 2016 | Pest Control

Carpenter bees closely resemble bumble bees in size and appearance. While these bees pose no real danger to individuals, because they cannot sting, they can cause major damages to a home, creating tunnels through wood that is not painted or treated. If left in place, these bees can cause massive structural damages to windowsills, doors, shingles, roof eaves, and lawn furniture. They also cause staining on the sides of homes because of their waste. This information will help homeowners to better understand how to deal with Carpenter Bees in Middletown NJ.

An infestation of carpenter bees can be identified because of the holes they leave behind in wood. They drill into the wood and leave behind a pile of sawdust under each hole they drill. The holes they create are typically perfectly round and about 1/2 inch in diameter. They do not consume the wood like a termite but rather drill through the wood, excavating it.

To find out if a home has a carpenter bee problem, a thorough inspection first needs to be carried out. Once the inspection has been carried out, the pest control specialist will determine which method of treatment will be most beneficial for destroying the carpenter bees so they will not continue to cause damage to a home. The most effective method of treatment is dusting.

Dusting is a method that is most effective in killing carpenter bees. The insecticide dust is pumped into the holes that have been drilled by the bees so it enters deep into the hole and kills all stages of the bees. The holes are left open for a few days so all bees returning to them will come into contact with the insecticide dust, causing them to be destroyed. In some cases, a liquid insecticide is applied to the wood, in addition to the dust.

Once the bees have been destroyed, the holes will need to be sealed and the wood painted to prevent carpenter bees from returning. This is the most effective means of taking care of Carpenter Bees in Middletown NJ.

If you are a homeowner who has noticed a problem with carpenter bees, it is imperative you hire a professional pest control company. To learn more, Click Here and Visit the website

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