In Kansas, local medical facilities provide comprehensive care for all patients. The services range from treatments for colds and flu to minor emergencies such as cuts or allergic reactions. A family medical clinic in Andover, Kansas performs a variety of services to help the patients recover quickly.
Well Child Care
A well-child checkup is conducted to monitor the child’s development and determine if they show signs of common conditions. The doctors identify developmental issues that could affect the child as they grow. Parents of children who receive Medicaid health coverage must bring their child in for an EPSDT assessment as directed by their caseworker.
Physicals and Preventative Care
The doctors perform physicals for all adult patients each year. The assessment determines if their current conditions have progressed or worsened. Checkups also determine if the patient has developed any new conditions that require treatment or medication. The physicals help the doctor diagnose serious conditions before they become life-threatening.
Immunizations and Vaccines
The family medical clinic in Andover, Kansas provides immunizations and vaccines for patients of all ages. The standard vaccinations start at infancy and range up to early adulthood. Vaccinations are also available for foreign travels where patients are at risk of developing detrimental conditions that could be life-threatening. The doctors provide an updated shot record for students and individuals who wish to travel in the near future. The injections are also available for military personnel.
Access to a Specialist
A specialist provides services that treat a specific medical issue. The doctors understand the body’s systems more thoroughly than a general medicine doctor. The patient’s primary healthcare provider can offer a referral to a specialist at any time their condition has become too complex. The specialist offers surgeries and procedures to correct the conditions effectively.
In Kansas, local medical facilities provide comprehensive services to remedy common illness such as the flu and strep throat. The doctors at the clinics complete full assessments for adults and children. The services include treatments and minor procedures to correct illnesses and injuries quickly. The facility also provides immunizations and preventative care. Patients who need an appointment at a family medical clinic in Andover, Kansas can contact Wichita Family Medicine Specialists LLC.