What Can You Expect From Your First Visit With the Veterinary Clinic in Fort Wayne, Indiana?

by | Dec 18, 2014 | Animal Health

As a pet owner, you know the full importance of keeping your pet healthy, happy and secure. To get started on the right foot, it is important your pet sees the veterinarian as early as possible, normally around the age of eight weeks. Through the veterinary clinic in Fort Wayne, Indiana, your pet’s health can be monitored and any vaccinations can be given so your pet’s health is protected. Through this information, you will know what to expect at your first appointment.

*    Your pet’s vital signs will all be taken. Heart rate, weight and temperature can all help to reveal how healthy your pet is. If there are any concerns with the vital signs, this will allow the veterinarian to further investigate the findings so the cause can be found.

*    Blood work is often done on a first appointment. This can help to check for blood parasites and blood counts. If your pet is exhibiting any signs of illness, the blood can often show what is going on.

*    A fecal test will also be conducted. This will show if there are any bacteria or parasites in your pet. If any show in the test, the veterinary clinic in Fort Wayne, Indiana will work to treat your pet so their health is not in danger.

*    At your first appointment, any vaccines that are due will be given. Your veterinarian will discuss your pet’s vaccination schedule so you will be prepared for when to return for further vaccinations. It is important you follow this schedule to help protect your pet’s health.

*    Your veterinary clinic in Fort Wayne, Indiana will tell you how often your pet will need to have checkups. This is normally once a year, but could be more often, depending on your particular pet.

*    If you have any concerns about your pet’s health or their care, make sure you ask during the appointment. Your vet is there to assist you in keeping your pet healthy.

If your pet is in need of veterinarian care, contact Dupont Veterinary Clinic. Allow them to care for your pet so he or she can be as healthy as possible. Call to schedule your appointment.

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