What Can an Orthodontist Do for You?

by | Jun 9, 2017 | Dental Health

Orthodontics diagnoses and treats structural issues with a patients’ jaws, teeth, and lower facial deformities.  An orthodontist is the medical professional who is trained in this type of work, in addition to general dentistry. Below is a brief overview of what an orthodontist in Elmhurst can provide for you and your family.

Straighten Teeth

When you think of what an orthodontist does, the first idea that comes to mind is braces and straightening of the teeth. They perform the corrective work of teeth alignment by using headgear, braces and other treatment options. The straightening of teeth usually happens when there are any gaps or crowding of the teeth. The orthodontist is able to figure out the cause of the crooked teeth and take care of the issue.

Aid with Jaw Development

An orthodontist also treats improper jaw shape and development. They come up with a treatment plan to correct the irregularities and can align the jaw if necessary.

Treat a Bad Bite

Another mouth deformity that an orthodontist treats is malocclusion or bad bite. Crooked teeth can result in the underdevelopment of the mouth and jaw and create issues when eating or talking. This typically happens from injury, an unknown deformity or even thumb sucking. An orthodontist can diagnose and remedy the situation with a step by step process.

Who Can Be Referred to an Orthodontist?

Orthodontic treatment can happen any time after the adult teeth have come in and are fully developed. This is around the age of 13. This way, any additional movement of the teeth or jaw is relatively small, and there would not be a need to anticipate any changes in the future. Patients must have good general oral hygiene and have any other tooth symptoms diagnosed and treated by a dentist before the orthodontist can start work.

If you need an orthodontist in Elmhurst, contact Oakbrook Orthodontics.

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