What Are the Best Exam FM Study Materials?

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Education

The FM exam is one of the most important tests on the road to becoming a licensed actuary. This test covers an examinee’s knowledge of financial mathematics and how to apply it in the actuary field. It has a reputation for being fairly difficult, and you want the best exam FM study materials to prepare. Here is a quick look at the materials you should have as you are studying.

The Official Syllabus

A good place to start gathering your exam FM study materials is on the official Society of Actuaries website. This is the organization that administers the exam, and for each actuary exam, they publish a syllabus. Reviewing the syllabus will tell you which topics you can expect to find on the exam and will give you an idea of how to prepare.

Video Explainers

For concepts on the exam that you may not understand the best, it’s good to seek out additional help. Trained coaches and companies designed to help people pass the actuary exams often have videos explaining tougher concepts more in-depth. Hearing something explained can be more helpful when studying than just reading it in a book.

Practice Exams

The best way to test if you retained the knowledge you are studying is to take a mock exam. Find an exam that is accurate and has similar questions to what you would find on a real exam. For best results, try to take it as close to real test conditions as possible.

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