Website Design Mistakes that are Killing Your SEO and ROI

by | Mar 29, 2018 | Web Design, Web Design and Development

Design mistakes can kill your marketing efforts and ROI. Here are a few common mistakes small businesses make that you’ll want to avoid at all costs.

Too much clutter

Are too many things going on in the page? Do you need all those elements? If there’s too much clutter on your page, that’s going to make for a confusing navigational experience for your customers. A good website design company in Augusta GA like Bridgewell Marketing understands the importance of keeping your pages clean and simple. That’s going to help generate better traffic and conversions for you.

Not enough content

Too little content on your pages is going to hurt your SEO and ROI too. Don’t waste the opportunity to reach out to your target audience. A minimalist style may be right for your business. But that only works if it’s done correctly, the Usability Geek says. By hiring a website design company in Augusta GA, you can leave pros in charge of your content.

Disconnect between the site and messaging

Marketing is all about consistency. If you want customers to remember your company, your marketing must be reflective of your brand and business. If there’s anything on your site that doesn’t do that, if there are images or there’s written content that doesn’t seem to match what your brand or business is about, take them out. A good design team will do that for you and replace it with marketing that’s right at home with your company’s character and brand.

Missing the target

It’s essential to partner up with a design team that knows and understands your business. A huge part of that is knowing and understanding your customers. If the agency doesn’t know or understand your target or misses it entirely, then make like the wind and look for help and assistance elsewhere.

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