Want to Buy a Used Mazda, Shop in Plainfield for a Great Selection

by | Apr 11, 2018 | Automotive

Some years ago, buying a used car was risky. No doubt, the price of a used car is considerably less than a new model, but there was a chance that the car would prove to be unreliable, especially if the previous owner didn’t take care of it. Those days are long gone, and today, a used Mazda is still easy on the budget.
There are good reasons for buying a used car in Plainfield.


A car begins to depreciate as soon as it is purchased, and depending on the vehicle, it can be as much as 15 percent in the first year. By the time the car is four years old, it can have lost half its initial cost.

Mazda is known to be a very reliable and well-built vehicle, so buying one that is three or four years old makes a great deal of sense. A car of this age still has years of reliable service in it.

Another consideration is the cost of insurance. A used car costs less to insure, and as the car gets older, insurance premiums can be reduced further by dropping collision and theft cover.

There is little doubt the best way to own a car is to buy one that is three or four years old and drive it until it costs more to maintain than it is worth.


Cars are far better than they were as little as a decade ago. A car that is four years old today will have far fewer problems than a four-year-old car would have had 10 years ago. Cars built in recent years can easily last 10 or more years with few problems; a four-year-old used car bought at half its new car value will last easily another six or more years.

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