When starting out in life, people tend to feel somewhat invincible. You can easily keep up with your kids, work, household responsibilities, a social life, and still manage to take part in an occasional all-night movie marathon with little to no negative consequences. This doesn’t last long, though, and life begins to catch up with you.
Appendicitis or a debilitating bout of asthma could leave you hospitalized for between four and seven days. That’s an entire week during which your family is forced to get by without you, and it’s a week out of work. A number of financial studies point out the majority of American families are only one or two paychecks away from losing everything they’ve worked to obtain. One episode like this is all it takes to bring you to terms with your mortality.
Now, imagine your family’s future. Only a few short decades down the road, there’s a good chance your health will deteriorate to the point where you need far more extensive medical care than a week in the hospital and a few more weeks of recovery time. If you don’t have the right measures in place in anticipation of this turn of events, your family’s emotional health and financial security could take a considerable hit.
With a Long Term Care policy in Texas, the impact of your declining health may not be as significant. Though many hope to simply fall back on Medicaid, Medicare, and life or health insurance policies, these often fail to live up to people’s expectations. Medicare may pay for basic medical expenses and some additional services, but it falls short where lasting in-home care or assisted living facilities are concerned.
Medicaid tends to go a long way toward bridging the gap, but it’s only for those with limited income and assets. If this type of assistance does cover a long-term care facility or in-home services, you’re limited to only approved options. They get to choose who provides your care, not you and your family.
Investing in a Long Term Care Policy in Texas now, while you’re still young and healthy, could pave the way for a more stable future. You’ll be able to choose who provides your care as well as where you’ll go if more in-depth needs arise. Policies combining life and long-term care coverage are also available. Click here for more information on planning ahead for your future health care needs.