Understanding What Causes the Most Common Sinus Problems in Louisville KY

by | Jan 8, 2019 | Health

Some people claim to have “good,” or “bad” sinuses. However, what they need to realize is that the issue isn’t the sinuses themselves. After all, these are just hollowed out air spaces present in the bones in the forehead, behind the cheekbones, and between the eyes. They are responsible for producing mucus, which helps to keep the interior of their nose moist. This helps to protect against pollutants, allergens, and dust. All this is normal. The question is, what causes the problems?

Leading Culprits of Sinus Issues

One of the most common reasons sinus problems in Louisville KY occur is because of inflammation due to allergies, a cold or something in a person’s environment. Over time, this can block the sinus passages. If the sinuses aren’t able to drain, then the person is going to begin feeling pain.

The sinuses are also responsible for the tone and the depth of a person’s voice. This is why many people’s voices become deeper when they are stuffed up. Some of the most common sinus problems people experience today are listed here.


Every sinus has a narrow area, which is called the transition space. This is responsible for drainage. If a blockage or bottleneck occurs in the transition, then mucus will start backing up.

Deviated Nasal Septum

The nasal septum is the rather thin wall of cartilage and bone inside of the nasal cavity. It separates the nasal passages. It’s supposed to be in the center of the nose, providing equal space for each passage. However, in some people, it may be off or deviated. This makes one passage smaller than the other and one of the reasons that people suffer from sinus issues. It may also result in snoring.

If a person wants to know more about common Sinus Problems in Louisville KY, they should talk with their doctor. More information about this can also be found by taking the time to browse our website. Being informed is the best way to handle any type of sinus issue a person may have, and it can help them prevent more problems down the road.

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