As a vehicle owner, it is important for you to look through the Transmission Repair Shops Jenison MI in order to find a reputable one that you can take your vehicle to. The unfortunate truth is that there are a lot of dishonest Transmission Repair Shops Jenison MI and the rest of the world. Fortunately, if you Visit the website of Bob’s Transmission you will learn that they are not bad. Being aware of some of the sneaky tactics that shady transmission shops like to use is the easiest way to make sure you do business with a reputable one.
One of the most common scams that a shady transmission repair shop is going to offer is two different options if you need a new transmission. The first option is installing a brand new transmission which is fairly expensive. The second option would be to have a transmission rebuilt at a fraction of the cost of a new one. The thought of getting your transmission fixed at a steal is enough to draw anyone in. However, you have to understand the dangers that exist when you get a transmission rebuilt.
A rebuilt transmission is never going to be as good as a brand new transmission. There is also no way to estimate how long a rebuilt transmission is going to last you. As long as you know you are dealing with a reputable company having one rebuilt is fine. However, you should make sure you trust the shop before you commit to a rebuild.
If you are having your transmission rebuilt you need to do business with a shop that is going to offer you some kind of warranty a rebuilt transmission could last a few months or it could last a few hours. You need to know that if you drive off of their lot and the transmission they rebuilt and installed stops working tomorrow, that they are going to fix it. You want to do business with an auto transmission repair shop that offers reasonable and realistic warranties for all of their transmission work so you can have peace of mind when driving.