Your driveway sees a lot of use over the years. It supports your car and leads up to your home. In fact, it can often be the first thing you notice about a home, so you want to make sure yours is in good condition. Overtime, however, your driveway will take on wear and tear, which is when problems start to arise, especially after a winter season, which is when many asphalt driveway problems tend to become visible.
Keeping your driveway well maintained will help increase the lifespan of your driveway, which is why you should always seek out timely repairs as needed. To learn more, here are a few common signs you need residential asphalt repair services in Dayton, OH.
Potholes are common, but they are also a hassle. They can make your driveway less functional by making parking more difficult and potentially hazardous. If you notice any potholes in your driveway, you should seek commercial asphalt repairs in Dayton, OH as soon as possible.
Poor Drainage
Your driveway is designed to allow any water to flow off the surface and down the sides to decrease water damages. If you notice water pooling on your driveway, it is an indication that your driveway is no longer working to provide adequate drainage. Residential asphalt repair services or repaving can solve this problem.
Cracks happen, but they do require repair. Anything from general wear and tear to severe weather can require residential asphalt repair services as soon as possible to stop the progress of a crack in its tracks.
Lack of Curb Appeal
Besides major problems, if your driveway is looking shabby and you want an update, repairs and repaving can help. The driveway refreshing will do wonders for the look of your home and property!