The cold weather is on the way and many people’s thoughts are turning to whether their homes are well insulated enough to withstand the freezing temperatures experienced in some areas. Unless you have added more insulation to your home or recently bought a brand-new home, then chances are you don’t have enough insulation. That’s when it’s time to call in the professional insulation services in Mississauga to inspect your home and insulate it, if need be. Read on below for a few of the top signs that your home is under insulated and take care of the problem before the first snows begin.
High Energy Bills
Whether it’s the summer or the winter, your home will see higher energy bills if it is under insulated. It is possible that your blown in insulation has settled and you need to have more insulation piped into your home. If your electric bills have steadily increased over the last few years, it’s a good bet that your home is under insulated.
Bugs and Mice have Descended
There is little worse than finding bugs and rodents scampering through your home. They come in through the cracks and crevices of windows and doors when the temperatures start to drop. Having the home insulated can seal those cracks and crevices and stop the pests from entering. If you are suddenly seeing bugs and rodents in your home, try insulating it to see if that helps, after calling in reputable pest control, of course!
The Pipes Are Freezing
If your pipes are freezing during the winter months, it’s a sure sign that there is no insulation in your walls. Poorly insulated walls on the outside of your home can cause the pipes on the inside of those walls to burst, leaving you with a mess and a huge bill you aren’t prepared to deal with. Better to have the walls insulated before the winter even begins. Paying to have the home insulated is much cheaper than fixing the after effects of not getting the job done. From high energy bills to burst pipes, it is better to be safe than sorry later on.
These are just a few of the top signs that your home isn’t properly insulated. For professional insulation services in Mississauga, contact the professionals at George Kent for answers and an appointment to have your home insulated against the coming winter.