Going off to college can be a very exciting part of your life. However, one of the most important decisions to make that can greatly affect this experience is where you will live in school. While it might seem like a dorm is the best bet, the smart money is actually on student housing in Tempe. There are plenty of reasons why this is so.
Find The Perfect Place
Choosing your own apartment gives you the chance to pick an apartment that is absolutely perfect for you. Dorm rooms are all cookie-cutter in design and offer you no chance to really make the place your own. A private student apartment offers you the chance to set it up as you want and choose your own decor.
Use Your 529 Money
If your parents (or anyone else, for that matter) have been saving money for you in a 529 program, you can use these funds to rent your own apartment, since they are a qualified educational expense. This can make it significantly easier to focus on other things such as staying up on your studies.
Better Amenities
The amenities that you will enjoy in student housing in Tempe are far superior to those you will encounter in a college dormitory. For instance, the apartment complex will have such things as modern appliances that are actually full-sized, as well as a pool and a dedicated study area.
If you are interested in learning more about these living accommodations, please contact Redpoint Tempe at https://redpoint-tempe.com/