People who want concealed handguns mainly concern themselves with the size of the weapon. They may not understand that just because a handgun is smaller in size than another pistol, it does not mean that it is a better choice. The most important thing is balancing, size, comfort, and performance to your personal preference. This list consists of the Springfield XDM Compact, the Smith and Wesson M&P Shield, and the Glock 43 which can be found for sale online.
The Glock 43
Everyone knows that Glocks are some of the most reliable handguns around. They take a few parts to make, which will make the handgun less likely to break. If something does get broken, it is easy to replace. When first holding and looking at the Glock 43 you may think it is a smaller Glock 19. This is only partially true.
It fires similarly to the Glock 19, and it has the same feel, but the parts are different. It uses a single stack magazine making is more comfortable to carry. Almost all Glock models will use a double-stack magazine. A single stack magazine is when the bullets are in one vertical line stacked upon each other, and a double-stacked magazine is when there are two bullets next to each other that are stacked vertically.
Like almost all Glocks, the G43 has an internal safety instead of an external one. The safety will still prevent the weapon from discharging if dropped. The only way to shoot the weapon is for someone’s finger to be on the trigger and squeeze in a straight line and with force. The Glock 43 is an excellent choice as a concealed carry handgun.
Smith and Wesson M&P9 Shield
The Smith and Wesson Shield is slim, sturdy, and lightweight. Like most carry handguns it has a polymer frame, striker-fired, and is a 9mm. The polymer frame is a cheap and useful material for the weapon. Having a striker-fired handgun means the internal striker is cocked backed and fired when the trigger is pulled. Since most use a 9mm, you can find cheap ammo online.

The main distinction between this handgun and others such as the Glock 43, is the feel of the weapon. Smith and Wesson handguns will fit in your hand much differently, and often more comfortable for some, than any other brand.
One of the biggest problems people have with Glocks are the comfort levels, and if you want a weapon that operates similar to the Glock but with a different feel to the weapon, then the Smith and Wesson M&P Shield is a great alternative.
Springfield XDM Compact
The Springfield XDM Compact is another great choice for a concealed handgun. It is polymer-framed and has everything someone will want in a carry handgun. It has the right size, performance, and safety.
It chambers the 9mm, and many people say it has less recoil than most Glock models. This is most likely because it is a little smaller in size, but the internal parts and design play a role as well. The Springfield XDM Compact stresses the importance of safety. It has a grip safety, trigger safety, and a firing pin block. You can not go wrong with a handgun that is safe, comfortable, and effective.
Concluding Thoughts
Almost all of the well-known brands have an excellent option for everyone when it comes to a concealed handgun. The most important facts to consider is if the weapon is powerful enough, is the right size, and if it is safe. Many handguns check these boxes and the choice of what you should purchase will come down to personal preference. You should try not only holding each of the weapons you are considering but also firing them. Once you have a good feel for each weapon, then you can make a correct decision for yourself as to which gun will suit your needs best.