Tips for Wearing Contact Lenses in Green Valley Ranch, Denver, CO

by | May 27, 2024 | Eye Care Center

It’s important to properly care for your contact lenses to extend the life of your contacts and protect your eyes. If you wear contact lenses in Green Valley Ranch, Denver, CO, check out the tips below for properly maintaining them.

Careful Removal

The first step to properly caring for your contacts is removing them from your eyes. You’ll need to wash your hands with a soap that doesn’t have added lotion, perfume, or oils. You’ll also want a clean, lint-free towel. The goal is to have hands that are clean and don’t have extra residue or debris on them that can irritate your eyes. You’ll want to look up and to the side. Pull your lower eyelid down, then use the fingertip to move the contact to the white portion of your eye before taking it out.

Don’t Wear Old Contacts

Your optometrist will give you a schedule for wearing your contact lenses in Green Valley Ranch, Denver, CO. It’s important to stick to this schedule because old contacts can cause eye pain, corneal scratches, eye ulcers, and other eye issues you want to avoid. There are two main types of contacts:

  • Daily Wear Contacts: These contacts should only be worn when you’re awake. You’ll want to remove them an hour or two before you go to sleep.
  • Extended/Flexible Wear Contacts: These contacts allow more oxygen through the lens, so they can be worn longer and when you’re asleep. The majority of these contacts can be worn for up to seven days straight, but some brands can be worn for up to 30 days.

It’s important to follow these tips and any other directions your optometrist gives you for your contact lenses in Green Valley Ranch, Denver, CO. If you want to start wearing contacts or need replacements, contact Front Range Family Eye Care!

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