When cash is tight and there are big expenses looming, one of the easiest and fastest ways to get the needed funds is selling jewelry to a Diamond Buyer in Edmond. While gold and platinum are both quite valuable on their own, if a piece of jewelry also includes one or more diamonds, the value can sometimes skyrocket. Here are a few tips on selling diamond jewelry today.
Find the Right Buyer
Choosing the right buyer is of primary importance when it comes to selling diamonds for cash. Choose a diamond buyer who specializes in jewelry buying and sales, as this type of buyer will be well informed on all aspects of the jewelry being sold. After all, a diamond is often more than just a stone. Most diamonds are set in gold, platinum, and other precious metals, and it’s important that all aspects of the jewelry piece are valued fairly.
Prepare the Jewelry Properly
While it’s not necessary to do extensive preparation for a diamond sale, a bit of prep can make a big difference when it comes to the speed and smoothness of the transaction. Simply take a few moments to clean the diamonds using a gentle jewelry cleaner. The cleaner the jewelry is, the better that the buyer will be able to evaluate it quickly. Dirt, grime, and general debris buildup on the surface of the stone can really impede its beauty and sparkle, so make sure that it looks its best.
Another important reason to have the jewelry clean is that it allows for the karat markings to be seen more easily. The difference in 14 karat gold and 18 karat gold can be significant in terms of value, so make sure that those karat markings can be seen quite clearly.
Have Appraisals on Hand
Many people who own diamond jewelry also have appraisals of those pieces. While appraisals are typically done as a valuation for insurance purposes, that doesn’t mean that they are entirely worthless during the sale of the jewelry. Simply take along the appraisals as proof the piece is genuine, but don’t expect to get the amount stated on the appraisal during the sale.
To find out more about working with a Diamond Buyer in Edmond, check out the Oklahoma City Diamond and Gold Buyers website at today.
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