Tips for Looking Great while on a Video Call

by | Apr 27, 2017 | Business

While face to face meetings are going to be the most natural way to communicate with other people, this isn’t always possible. Many people have turned to video conferencing to help personalize the meeting when they can’t meet face to face. However, to make sure you make a great impression on your video call, there are a few tips you need to utilize. An important factor many people overlook is what they use as a backdrop for video calls. Learn more here.

Get the Lighting Right

If you are going to have a video conference, the worst type of lighting you can use is overhead lighting. Overhead lighting can cause shadows beneath your eyes. However, this is what is present for most people. If you are in some type of high-stakes call, such as a job interview, ensuring you look your best is a top priority. Rather than using overhead lighting, choose three natural and soft light sources, such as two behind the webcam and one directly behind you.

Choose the Right Backdrop

What’s going to be your backdrop for video calls? Is it a messy bedroom? Unorganized office? Or something equally non-professional? It is a good idea to consider the backdrop you choose carefully. If you choose one of the above examples, you may find the person you are talking to is more focused on what’s behind you, rather than what you are saying. This can result in a disaster in some situations.

If you are planning a video call, making sure you see to all the details is important. Choosing the right lighting and backdrop for video calls  will make a huge difference in the success of the call. Keep this in mind to ensure you get the results you want and need.

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