Tips for Locking in the Best Office Lease in Newnan, GA

by | Apr 13, 2015 | Storage

Running a business involves establishing a base of operations. Even with a start-up, the day will come when it must be moved out of the spare bedroom and into a real office space. When that day comes, it helps to know what to look for in the best Office Lease in Newnan GA. Here are some points to address before signing anything.

Are Utilities Included?

Before signing any Office Lease in Newnan GA, make sure there is no question about which utilities are included as part of the monthly rent. Many landlords will provide basics like water, garbage pickup, and maybe even electricity. Finding someone who includes telephone services as part of the deal is rare, but there are some landlords who cater to clients that only need local phone service and include that utility as well. Knowing what is included and what the tenant will have to supply makes it much easier to set up a viable operating budget.

How About Cleaning?

It never hurts to find out if office cleaning is included in the terms of the lease. Along with having someone who comes in at night to empty waste paper baskets and vacuum the carpeting, find out if that same service takes care of cleaning and stocking the rest rooms used by all the clients on the same floor. This is important since having to chip in for those cleaning services would be another line item to include in the operating budget.

Late Fees and Penalties

While the plan is to pay the rent on time every month, it helps to know what will happen if a payment is delayed. Do the terms of the lease include some sort of grace period where no penalty is applied? How much is the penalty if the tenant does not remit payment by the end of the grace period? Understanding these provisions in advance will make it easier to anticipate what will happen if it proves impossible to pay the rent on time one month.

For entrepreneurs who are looking for office space, contact the team at Greison Storage Mart today. They have office spaces of varying sizes and can help the client find the ideal setting for that new business venture.

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