Industrial facilities produce far more waste than commercial businesses and residential properties combined. This can create exorbitant disposal costs. Read on to find some tips for Industrial Waste Management in Findlay Ohio that can help industrial manufacturers and processing facilities reduce their costs.
Cut Back on Packaging
Decreasing disposal costs requires a comprehensive approach to waste management. Industrial facilities can often cut back on packaging waste by purchasing products and raw materials in bulk. Look for a supplier that is committed to cutting back on unnecessary packaging waste.
Determine Whether Waste Can Be Recycled
Some forms of industrial waste can be recycled. The most obvious way to reduce waste and improve recycling measures is to remove common materials like plastics and metals from the waste stream. Create a clear plan for separating recyclables and get all the facility’s employees up-to-speed on the changes.
Compost Organic Waste
Organic waste, such as food by-products and certain types of mineral by-products, emits powerful greenhouse gasses when left to decompose in landfills. As long as the organic materials are not contaminated, they can be repurposed and sometimes even sold for a profit to agricultural operations for use as soil amendments.
Investigate Waste Exchanges
Just as organic byproducts may be considered waste by some and valuable resources by others, certain non-organic materials may be useful to manufacturers working in other industries. The establishment of waste exchange programs is known in the industry as industrial symbiosis. The EPA strongly recommends industrial symbiosis as a means of removing materials from the industrial waste stream, benefiting both the environment and industrial facilities’ bottom lines.
Find the Right Waste Disposal Service
Working with the wrong waste disposal service is a recipe for wasted money. Facility owners who believe they may not be getting the best deal can switch to a different company for Industrial Waste Management in Findlay Ohio.
The Bottom Line
Industrial facilities require different waste management solutions than businesses and consumers, so it’s important to work with a waste management service that understands industrial facility owners’ needs. Even after taking the steps listed above, industrial facilities will still need to come up with plans for responsible disposal of any waste that remains. Visit the website today to learn about one local company that can help.
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