Tips For Finding The Best E Cig Liquid For All Day Vaping

by | Feb 26, 2016 | Shopping and Fashion

Enjoying the flavor of a good e-juice after dinner, on a coffee break or even with your favorite beverage after a look week at work is a wonderful experience. Everyone has their own best e cig liquid for these special occasions, and most people will find a particular category of flavors they naturally find more appealing.

Sometimes the best e cig liquid for that after dinner vape is also a flavor that you can enjoy all day long. There are some things to keep in mind when choosing an all-day vape option, and some very good reasons why you may not want to choose your absolute favorite flavor as your always in use vape.

Taste Desensitization

One thing that happens with even the best e cig liquid for your personal taste is something known as desensitization. It is not just with e cig liquid; it occurs with everything we eat and drink.

Over time and with ongoing, frequent use there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the taste buds to the specific flavor. This is why that first sip of coffee always tastes the best in the morning, or the first bite of an apple is the most tart.

By choosing a strong flavored e-liquid as your all-day vape, you can desensitize your taste buds to that particular flavor profile. This doesn’t mean you won’t taste the flavor; it just may not be as intense.

Not Too Sweet

Some of the dessert and candy flavors of e-juice are amazing, but they can sweeter than many people like as a vape to enjoy all day. Instead, these flavors may be the best e cig liquid to use with a drip tip for an after dinner type of vape or for those special events.

Throat Hit

With higher levels of PG (propylene glycol) in the e-juice of your choice, you will notice more of a throat hit, or the feeling of smoking a real cigarette. Other ingredients in the best e cig liquid for this sensation include cinnamon, a small amount of capsaicin, which is found in hot peppers, as well as the use of ethyl alcohol instead of the PG component or in combination with PG.

Typically most people like a low or mild throat hit for all day vaping, but as with flavors and sweetness, it is really a personal preference. Trying different e-juices and keeping track of what you like and what you enjoy vaping is the best way to find the best e cig liquid for your taste.

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