When the home is infested with bed bugs, there is no need to panic. Instead, the first step is to contact a pest control service that can help with the process of getting rid of the bugs. Once they are no longer a threat, that same company can help with Bed Bug Preparation in Queens that helps to reduce the possibility of another infestation.
Everything is Washed and Steam Cleaned
Bed bugs do not limit themselves to the bed. They can thrive in any type of material. For this reason, it pays to clean everything in the home thoroughly. This will include steam cleaning the carpets, sending clothes out to be dry cleaned, and washing anything that will fit into the household washing machine. Using hot water when possible will increase the odds of making sure there is no residue of the problem that will serve as the basis for another infestation.
Heat Treatments
In order to reduce the chances of having the same problem arise again, a professional will take the time to inspect the home carefully. The idea is to search for any signs that indicate that some of the bugs escaped the other treatments. One of the most effective ways to manage this part of the prevention program is to use heat. The expert will use equipment that generates and directs heat into areas where the bugs are most likely to be found. This can include corners in rooms with carpeting, the mattresses on the beds, and even the window treatments. Since bed bugs have a way of getting into clothing, using heat to make sure the closet is clean is also a good idea.
Regular Inspections
It pays to have a professional check the home for signs of bed bugs from time to time. This element of Bed Bug Preparation in Queens can be combined with other treatments used to keep common household pests at bay. Inspections make it easier to spot an infestation before it can spread, making it easier to bring things back under control.
Homeowners who want to protect the homes from bed bugs and other pests should call the professionals at Metro Pest Control and schedule an appointment. Consider securing a service contract that includes regular treatments and inspections. Doing so will make it all the easier to keep pests out of the house and ensure the family does not have to deal with any type of infestation.