Throughout Winter Months, Augers in Oregon Play Important Roles

by | May 5, 2015 | Tools and Equipment

As ice on the state’s many lakes thickens throughout the winter, it becomes more and more difficult to penetrate it. Ice depths in some parts of Oregon can reach two feet or more with regularity, and totals of nearly four feet in isolated coves are not entirely unheard of. With such thick, dense ice to be dealt with, top quality Augers in Oregon are a virtual requirement for wintertime sportsmen, tradespeople, and others who cannot afford to be held up by the ice or the weather.

Fortunately, there are Augers that are precisely suited to just about any such task that might need doing. In its basic form, an auger is simply a drill where the penetrating vanes are relatively widely spaced, with this allowance helping to discourage the buildup of material as the auger is operated. Augers in Oregon can be found at every scale, too, from relatively small units that are meant for digging dirt holes for planting to large, ice-specific ones that are used in heavy-duty wintertime construction projects.

The kind of auger that the average Oregonian is probably most familiar with is likely the sort that is used by those who enjoy ice fishing. Typically equipped with a small, reliable gas engine that stands at the top of the auger shaft itself, an auger of this kind can be used to easily drill a relatively narrow hole in ice of two to three feet thick. Although they vary in terms of capacity and size, virtually all of these devices can be used to quickly create holes that are suitable for setting ice-fishing traps throughout the state.

While an auger of this size is likely to be the most common sort in terms of overall numbers, much larger and more capable ones are the rule in industry. Even if ice drilling is typically something to be avoided when possible, large units of this kind are used in a variety of construction projects and the like where waiting for a springtime thaw would not be a good option. Once again, there is a variety of styles and scales of such equipment, but they all operate according to the same basic principle.

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