Three Important Questions to Ask Property Managers

by | Nov 25, 2013 | Real Estate

Owning a rental property can be an adventure filled with roadblocks and questions. You may be trying to manage your property alone, or you may decide to enlist the help of a professional. Where do you begin?  Here are three important questions property managers may ask; these answers may help guide you in the right direction on your journey.

1) How can I lease my rental property quickly?
Vacant properties cost you money. The fastest way to get your property to lease is by advertising – and good advertising at that. There are proven ways to successfully advertise a rental property, so enlisting the help of property managers might be the best way to go if you are looking for a quick sell. Before you advertise, make sure your property is in rent worthy condition and that the unit is priced well for the area.

2) How much rent should I ask for?
As a new investor, you may be in shock at what you are paying each month for your investment. This may lead you to set the rent rates too high. When asked for help by property managers, Pocatello investors can be provided experienced guidance on rates. There are many complex factors to consider if you want to yield the best return on your property investment. Setting your rent correctly the first time will result in a lower vacancy rate and can increase your long-term revenue.

3) How can I ensure that my property is cared for?
By conducting background and credit screenings, you can increase your chances of accepting respectful and trustworthy tenants. Intentional damage will decrease, and your property is more likely to be treated well. Additionally, property managers offer renter incentives and responsive services which increase the chance tenants will stay for the long-term. If you decide to enlist the help of a management company, they will proactively take care of maintenance issues and provide regular inspections to identify any issue before it becomes a problem. A professional can help keep your property maintained and, ultimately, you and your renters happy.

Do you have more questions?  The experts at Real Property Management can help answer them. The “Frequently Asked Questions” section of their website is a good place to start for responses to your property management dilemmas. For the full details visit website.

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