Things to Know About Laser Eye Surgery Recovery in Jacksonville, FL

by | Feb 28, 2022 | Optometrists

One of the most favorable aspects of laser eye surgery in Jacksonville, FL, for vision correction is how fast the immediate recovery time is. Full recovery takes longer, but people can carry on most of their usual activities.

Immediate Recovery

Immediate recovery usually is complete within 12 hours, although this varies to a certain extent by the individual patient. During that time, the person’s eyes may feel uncomfortable with itchy or gritty sensations. Vision will be blurry for at least a few hours.

Eye doctors recommend taking the rest of the day off work and perhaps the following day as well. Reading, watching TV and looking at computer screens should be avoided. These activities cause eyestrain.

It’s common for the whites of the eyes to be somewhat red for a few days. Patients may experience sensitivity to bright light and see halos around lights at night.

Returning to Physical Activity

Men and women should refrain from certain activities in the days and weeks following laser eye surgery in Jacksonville, FL. The ophthalmologist provides guidelines for patients to follow. For instance, swimming should be avoided for at least a week, but people can typically return to jogging within two or three days. Wearing sunglasses while outdoors is important.

Eye doctors recommend not participating in contact sports for at least a full month. Heavy weightlifting should be avoided during this period too, although fitness buffs can lift lighter weights and use resistance machines on low-weight settings sooner.

To learn more about one clinic offering laser vision correction, men and women may visit MAIDA Custom Vision at web.

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