Things to Consider when You Buy Electronic Cigarettes

by | Apr 30, 2015 | Electronic Cigarettes

If you have made the decision to stop smoking, chances are, you may be considering using electronic cigarettes to aid you in this process. Before you buy electronic cigarettes, there are certain things you should consider. This will ensure that you have everything you need when you purchase your first e-cigarette.

Buy Electronic Cigarettes with at Least Two Batteries

The battery is the part of the e-cig that creates the vapor and delivers the flavor. After awhile this battery will need to be recharged. If you are a heavy vaper or you take long drags from the mouthpiece, then you may want to consider purchasing two batteries. You will be able to charge one while using the other. Even if you aren’t a frequent vaper, having two batteries can be great in case one gets damaged, lost or stolen. With two batteries, you can still vape even when you don’t have access to a power source to charge your battery.

Purchase Multiple Cartridges when You Buy Electronic Cigarettes

No matter if you are going to refill, purchase new atomizers or clearomizers or sign up for a delivery program, you should begin with multiple cartridges. Depending on your usage, these cartridges can last up to a few weeks or as short as a day or two. You can purchase atomizers and clearomizers at affordable prices and then fill them with the eJuice of your choice.

Buy Electronic Cigarettes to Use with a Car and USB Charger

Many people like to smoke traditional cigarettes while driving. Vaping while driving is not much different. It can be a very relaxing experience but you want to make sure you are prepared. If you spend a lot of time in your car, you may want to invest in a car charger for your e-cigarette. Nothing is worse than being caught in a traffic jam with a dead battery in your electronic cigarette! Car chargers are also convenient for long car rides and vacations.

Choose a Fun Design

Some electronic cigarettes use a cartridge system and have a thinner appearance that looks just like real cigarettes. However, if you want an authentic, modern and slightly futuristic vaping experience, consider getting an e-Juice based e-cigarette. These electronic cigarettes come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. You can even get tabletop units that resemble hookahs instead of metallic cigars. An electronic cigarette is a fashionable accessory in addition to being a smoking cessation device. Also, with a fun and futuristic electronic cigarette design, you take away a lot of the stigma associated with pulling out a pack of cigarettes in public. You may even strike up a conversation with a curious passerby!

Consider the Warranty

While most electronic cigarettes are designed to be long-lasting, accidents can and do happen. This is why you should take the time to find out if the e-cigarette you are going to purchase comes with some sort of warranty. If it’s offered with a warranty, you need to be sure that you fully understand what the warranty covers and how you should go about getting your electronic cigarette repaired or fixed if something happens.

Mt. Baker Vapor’s website is a great resource for customers who want to research the different e-cigarette options available. We can help you make an informed decision about the direction you want to take your vaping experience.

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