Things a Tree Surgeon in Newnan, GA, Understands

by | Jun 6, 2023 | Tree Services

If you don’t have the right training, skills, or knowledge, cutting down trees can be very dangerous. You could hurt the tree even more but also severely injure yourself or other people nearby. A tree surgeon in Newnan, GA, is trained to recognize certain things, such as the direction and speed of the wind or the parts of a tree where pressure has built up.

Professional tree cutters are taught to look for things that might affect how they do their jobs. Here are just a few things that they understand better than you.


In the form of stress, many different forces are built up in trees. If you cut into the wrong area, a branch can break, or your power equipment might rebound, which could result in injuries. They know the precise place to make the necessary cuts to avoid such issues. When a tree is cut down by a tree surgeon in Newnan GA, they have a sharp eye for the angle at which it will fall to the ground.

Wind Factors

The speed and direction of the wind can affect the path that branches and other parts of a tree, bush, or shrub will take when they break off. Experts know it is necessary to undertake tree surgery securely, considering the present wind conditions.

Local Laws

It is illegal to do surgery on a tree that is under state or federal protection. Professionals always follow the law when they do their jobs, ensuring everything is done safely and properly.

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