When you buy a new car, there is a about a one percent chance that it will end up being classified as a lemon. One percent doesn’t sound like much but in the US that equates to 150,000 cars each and every year. If you are one of the unfortunate people that buy a lemon in the state of Florida, the Florida Lemon Law is in place to provide a remedy. In Florida, the law covers the car for the first two years you own it, it also states the remedies which include replacement or a refund of the monies paid.
Let’s have a quick look at the Florida Lemon Law:
For your car to be eligible for protection under the Florida Lemon Law there are three things that have to have occurred during the first 24 months after the date you took delivery of the vehicle.
* The defect must be substantial and impair the value, the use or the safety of the car
* The car has to have at least three attempts at repairing the defect
* The car must have been out of commission as a result of repairs for 15 days minimum
If you have a car that you believe meets these criteria then you are obliged to notify the manufacturer using a form available from the Florida DMV; do not involve the dealer that you purchased the car from at this time.
The remedies:
If the vehicle cannot be made to conform to its warranty after a minimum of three attempts the manufacturer is obliged to either give you a new car or buy the lemon back.
Some, but not all vehicle manufacturers have a certified arbitration process in place. If the manufacturer of your car is one of them, that is the first route to resolution; otherwise you can approach the state arbitration board.
Florida Lemon Laws are complex, if you are of the opinion that your new car is a lemon you are invited to visit the web site of Lemon Law America where you can find qualified attorneys that can assist you.