The Steps Taken by a Mold Removal Service in Bethesda, MD

by | Dec 22, 2015 | Home and Garden

Most people don’t get concerned about mold inside of their homes. For example, areas like the bathroom are breeding grounds for mold. With the use of standard household cleaners, bathrooms can be kept clean and mold free. However, because of all the moisture that exists in this type of room, finding mod here really isn’t a surprise. There are situations, however, where mold may grow in areas where it shouldn’t be. These are the situations to be concerned about and these are the situations where a professional Mold Removal Service in Bethesda MD may need to be called in.

The good thing about professional mold removal services is how thorough they will be once they are called into a home or a business that has a mold growth problem. The first thing that will be done is to determine the scope of the problem. Typically air samples and samples of the mold will be taken in order to determine how big of a problem the home or business has. These air samples will determine how many mold spores are present in the air that is breathed in, and samples of the mold will determine the type of mold that’s growing and how serious it can be.

The next step will be to determine the source of moisture that is causing the mold growth. Sometimes it’s saturated insulation or drywall material from a past flood. In other situations, it may be a leaky pipe within the wall of the home that is providing the moisture source for mold growth.

Once the source of the moisture has been found, it will be removed, repairs will be made, mold infested material such as insulation, drywall and flooring materials will be removed and replaced. From this point, air cleaners will be used to remove the mold spores from the air and make either a room or the entire area of the home or business safe to inhabit once again.

As you can see, a professional mold removal service in Bethesda MD is very thorough when it comes to addressing a mold issue inside of a home or business. That’s why, if you fear that your home or business has a mold problem that can’t be controlled with household cleaning supplies, it may be in your best interest to visit.

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