The Seven Basic Principles to Choosing Fundraiser Photography Services

by | Jun 13, 2014 | Weddings

Fundraiser campaigns, projects and events are mainly held with the aim of collecting money from well-wishers to support a certain project for the benefit of the overall community. There are usually limited funds available for fundraising activities especially at the beginning.

However, due to the vital role of fundraiser photography in Washington DC, it is worth to hire their services. Choosing the best photographer for a particular fundraising activity may be tricky sometimes. Here are general principles to aid you in making the right decision:

#1: Availability

Local photographers are readily available in Washington DC, however you will need a good lead time when planning your fundraiser during a high event season.  Make sure to inquire with your desired photographer as soon as you have a confirmed event date.

#2: Skill

Fundraiser photography is more specific and demands specialized skills in order to achieve its objective. Everything is going digitally, nowadays. If campaigns are carried out online, simple but informative images will be vital. In addition, images may be needed the night of the fundraiser or the next morning for media and public relations use.

#3: Personality

Whether for private or public fundraising events, the photographer’s personality should never be assumed. They should be listening and ready to help.  On site, they should be well-dressed and able to work with the event planning team or contacts in order to work effectively and efficiently.

#4: The Price

In Washington DC, there are photographers for all occasions and budgets.  Make sure your organization hires the best photographer possible for its targeted budget in order to receive the highest quality of fundraiser photography in Washington DC. Though the affordability of the services is important, quality is equally important.

#5: Options

The best photographer offers a wide range of options for their clients to choose the most convenient package. Fundraising photographers should be creative to come up with affordable options based on each organizations or clients’ needs as fundraiser events are not always cookie cutter.

#7: Integrity

Fundraising projects depend on the willingness of the contributors.  Integrity is thus an important aspect in these campaigns. Amateurs or irresponsible fundraiser photographers can lead to poor contribution.

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