Geothermal heating and cooling services do more than just keep you cool and comfortable during harsh weather; they allow you to cut down your energy bills by as much as 50% in many cases. In addition, these services offer a wide range of environmentally beneficial advantages not found in any other type of heating or cooling system. This alone has caused thousands of homeowners to consider trying this option, especially for those with larger households looking to reduce their impact on the environment as well as their monthly budget.
Lower Bills
Geothermal heating and cooling services allow you to enjoy savings between 25% and 50% from one month to the next compared to conventional heat pump, gas, or oil systems. A typical 2000-square-foot home could be heated or cooled for just one dollar a day, which can make an enormous difference for a household on a tight budget. These also help to supplement a property’s traditional water heater, helping a household to save as much as 30% off its annual water bill.
Environmentally Friendly
Compared to conventional systems, geothermal heating and cooling services significantly reduce the impact that a household’s daily needs have on the environment. The United States Environmental Protection Agency recognized this as the most environmentally-safe and cost-effective system on the market today. By installing this system over conventional options, you not only dramatically reduce your own annual spending but help the environment as much as if you had planted over 700 trees or taken two cars off the street.
Whether you make the change for the environment or to reduce your annual spending, the two come hand-in-hand, meaning that you can make a real impact with this choice. With so many practices that directly damage the environment still in use today, this change could make a big difference as more households consider it. Unlike just sitting around and talking about making a change, you could visit to speak with a professional about making the switch. You can connect with them on Facebook for more information!