The One Thing in Sales that Produces Extra Ordinary Results

by | Aug 6, 2013 | Law Services

sales trainingSales managers are often stumped as to what they can do to produce high sales numbers. Using run of the mill approaches isn’t enough. They have to be innovative enough to come up with creative solutions that will allow them to best their competitors. Sales competition can be brutal, so leaders need a dynamic edge that will allow them to produce extra ordinary results. Emotions are the one thing in sales that can produce phenomenal results.

Buying Products and Services with Emotion

Emotions are much more powerful than people might think, and customers frequently use their emotions when they buy products or services. They use their emotions to visualize how products might benefit them. For instance, a woman might see a gorgeous dress on a rack at her local boutique, and she may think “wow, I haven’t worn a dress for my husband in years”. This is what is meant by emotional buying. She wanted to look great for her husband, and she wanted to bring a romantic spark between them by wearing the dress. The same applies to any type of product or services. Customers want to buy products that tap into their emotions! Sales managers must find a way to do this if they hope to be successful.

Advertising and Emotions

Online marketers really need a good perspective of how emotions play into marketing. The main reason that companies advertise is to get a positive response from prospective customers, in order to execute a sale. If they aren’t using emotional response techniques in their marketing approaches, then they are probably losing a huge number of sales. Take television commercials and online ads for instance. Companies are paying huge amounts of money to get their products seen by millions through these ads. You can bet they aren’t throwing it away. They have psychologists, advisors, and other personnel on staff that can assist them in pitching their product to tap into the emotional minds of people in their target market. Appealing to emotions is the key to achieving high sales. Sales managers should make no mistake about this. Emotional responses are the driving forces that make people buy products, any way you size it up.

The Sales Coaching Institute offers an effective sales training that teaches you how to deal with demanding situations and determine the strategies that work best for each type of client.

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