The dream catcher is a beautiful addition to any room in your Nashville, TN, home. However, the traditional place for these woven items is in the bedroom, where they are hung above the bed to help sleepers to enjoy only good dreams as they rest.
In Native American culture, the dream catcher in Nashville, TN was designed to have a woven pattern in the middle, which trapped the bad dreams. The good dreams, those that are positive, can pass through the center hold and slide down the feathers or the ornate fringe to enter the mind of the person sleeping below.
The negative dreams remained trapped in the web until they were hit by the sun in the morning, at which time the bad dreams would evaporate and disappear, leaving no trace.
The Design Basics
While there are many traditional and new designs in dreamcatchers, they all have similar basic elements. The circle or hoop is very powerful in legend and symbolizes unity and natural strength.
The pattern in the middle of the hoop or outer shape can vary, but it should have holes and design features that allow the good dreams to pass through and the negative dreams to become tangled in the web.
The fringe or cord under the central design can be long or short. They often feature additional design elements such as feathers, shells, or even beads and stones that are added to the dream catcher.
Beautiful and positive, dreamcatchers are an ideal gift for anyone in and around Nashville, TN. With various styles and designs, they are perfect for any bedroom space.