The Importance of Routine Car Care Conroe

by | Oct 25, 2013 | Automotive

The health of your car is as important as your health. Without the proper Car Care Conroe your car can begin to drive poorly, use more gas and be unsafe to drive. Routine maintenance of a car is typically quick and easy and prevention will save you a significant amount of time and money. Here are some tips to keep your car operating at its best. There are several fluids your car relies on to operate smoothly and one of the most factors of good Car Care Conroe is to check the fluids on a regular basis and replenish when necessary.

The oil level and oil filter should be checked and changed about every 3000 miles. At the same time the oil is changed, you should have the transmission fluid, the power steering fluid, windshield wiper fluid and radiator coolant levels checked. If you schedule an appointment with Discount Brake & Auto Repair for an oil change, the technicians will automatically check all of the fluids at the same time.It is common for many people to overlook routine brake maintenance, but it is important for your safety as well as a smoother ride.

The brakes should be inspected about every 5000 miles, unless you notice signs of the brakes going out. Some of the signs that will alert you of bad brakes, include a loud squailing noise and if you notice it takes longer to stop than usual.The battery of your car should be tested approximately every three years from the date of purchase. If you notice corrosion and rust on the battery or on the terminals, it is important to replace the battery as soon as possible to prevent it from losing its charge.

The tires should be checked on a routine basis. A good rule of thumb is to give each tire a glance before getting in the car, in case there is a slow leak or you have a flat. The tread of tires can be checked with a penny. Simply turn the penny upside, putting Lincolns head in the tread, if the head is not visible, it is time to replace the tires.

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