The Importance of Regular Brake System Maintenance

by | Jul 13, 2017 | Auto Service

Brakes are undoubtedly the most important safety feature of any vehicle. Without them working properly, a vehicle would not be able to come to a prompt, safe stop, and collisions would be nearly unavoidable. Unfortunately, brakes are also one of the most frequent causes of automobile accidents, with around forty percent of all urgent repairs relating to brakes, annually. This is why regular maintenance and brake repair in Southwest Arlington TX are so important to function and safety behind the wheel.

Making Time for Maintenance

Some people may feel that they don’t have time to fit regular tune-ups for their vehicle into an already busy schedule. However, professionals know that avoiding scheduled maintenance can lead to major problems later – and those never happen when we have time for them to!

To avoid inconvenient and potentially dangerous breakdowns and accidents, regular checks of the vehicle’s brake system should be scheduled throughout the year for the entire duration of its life on the road.

Check-Up Checklist

Mechanics understand that to avoid the need for brake repair, in Southwest Arlington TX scheduled screenings should be conducted regularly. Some of the tests that should be run include:

  • Checking the circuit that powers the braking system for faults.
  • Verifying the strength and braking power of each of the four wheels of a standard vehicle with a brake meter or gauge.
  • Regularly check and maintain the level of brake fluid in the vehicle.
  • Change the brake pads and shoes as needed.
  • Be sure that the brake lights and all headlights are working properly.

Although the braking system should be inspected and tuned up regularly, it is important not to alter the original system as installed by the manufacturer. Doing so can cause malfunctions and safety concerns.

Brakes are indeed important for both the safety of the motorist and their fellow drivers, and repair and replacement throughout the lifetime of a vehicle are a necessary investment of time and money. However, understanding your car’s appropriate maintenance schedule – and consulting a professional when necessary – can keep you safe on the road, and keep you there longer.

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